Ancient Greek Mythology 1200 b.c.e.
Main Beliefs The Greeks were polytheistic in their religious beliefs. In Greek mythology, the gods often represented different forms of nature. There was no sacred book or code of conduct to live by.
Main Beliefs The relationship between the people and the gods were personal, geographical or general. In personal relationship with gods, a person interacted directly with the god. In geographical relationship, a god favoured a city or state over another city or state. The ancient Greeks believed that the gods decided their fate. This would explain the sacrifices and gifts the people of ancient Greece would offer to gods if they sought some form of assistance from them.
Sacred Stories The ancient Greeks believed that the gods were physically and intellectually similar to the themselves. The ancient Greek gods were presumed to have emotions and that is why Greek mythology is filled with tales of revenge, greed, jealousy and wars among gods.
Sacred Stories cont. The Iliad and Odyssey are two books filled with the interactions between the gods and the ancient Greeks. The ancient texts are called Greek Myths and are mostly from the period Classical Greece, circa 500 b.c.e. The stories behind the myths are from a much earlier time and would have been passed down orally.
Sacred Rituals Sacrifice was the most popular way to win favour with the gods and would be performed at an outside alter. Sacrifices of animals; sheep, cows, goats, pigs and bulls were made, as well as the occasional human sacrifice as a present to the Gods. Chosen animals for sacrifice formed a procession, they were crowned, adorned, purified with water and sprinkled with barley. The animal was then slaughtered And the sacrifice became a banquet.
Sacred Spaces People had special places in their homes where they could pray. There were also public shrines where people could pray and leave presents. The temples were not like modern places of worship, for ordinary people to pray in. They were homes for statues of gods, which were cared for by priests. Religious ceremonies and festivals went on outside the temple.
Sacred People Priests were important people in the community. They were believed to have the power to talk to the gods and so were respected and trusted. A priest main job was to look after the temples and the visitors to the temples.
Sacred Festivals Festivals were a very important part of life in ancient Greece, and were a central part of worshipping the gods. They usually included a procession and a sacrifice. Festivals also included various competitions, which were seen as another way to honour a god. There were competitions in music, poetry, drama and also athletics. Some of the most important festivals of ancient Greece involved athletic competition, such as the Olympic Games, which were held in honour of Zeus, and the Pythian Games, held at Delphi in honour of Apollo.
Sacred Times There were many different sacred times in ancient Greece, often these were assocaited with pleasing the goods who rules the season and natural elements. The Puanepsia is in honor of Phoebus (Bright) Apollo, Helios (the Sun) and the Horai (the "Hours" or Seasons) - all solar deities connected with the turning of the year. The festival celebrates late autumn fruit gathering and seeks divine blessings for the autumn sowing. In the cycle of the year it balances the (nominally late May) Thargelia, a first-fruit festival for Apollo.