※Approvals should be completed by the Director. ※If someone is designated to do approvals, they should NOT be entering the data as well. Most mistakes are made due to a lack of fresh eyes looking at the data. Must have a check and balance. ※Each program should have an approval and data quality process in place.
Approvals Pending as of 10/29/14: ※NRS Registrations: 1,532 ※Profile Changes: 59 ※Attendance Hours: 29, ※Test Scores: 1,164
If data is not approved by the deadline (September 1), then programs will not get credit. This impacts your outcomes as well as funding for the program.
ApproveDon’t Approve Student should be in a class and have a test entered before approval. The Red box means the demographics aren’t completed.
Many use the Approval all box when doing approvals. However, it’s important you spot check the approvals to check for invalid data. EX: The below post test looks to be entered incorrectly. ◦ Only 5 hours in between test. This looks more accurate:
Rollover students will not appear on your current Table 4.1 until a new test is entered for the fiscal year. Enrollment hours for the fiscal year starts over, but testing hours do not.
John Smith Enrolled 13/14 Tested 6/1/13 at ASE Level Continued classes & gained 10 more hours for 13/ Year begins and John rolls over Now John Smith is Enrolled in14/15 ◦ In order to show on Table 4.1 He will need 12 attendance hours in the new fiscal year He will need 20 Hours before testing (30 post-testing hours for ASE). All data must be approved. Hours between tests DO NOT reset back to 0
Computer Literacy classes are not NRS approved. Why? ◦ Educational Gains cannot be measured. Computer Literacy should be incorporated into NRS approved classes only. Classes names should not include GED ®, which is the assessment.