Educational Activities Committee John Johnson, Chair Anu Gokhale, Chair Region 4 Executive and Regional Committee Mtg Jan 22, 2011
2010 R4 Education Goals Provide R4 members with high-quality opportunities for education on various technical topics through R4 website – Promote Region 4 educational activities, seminars and conferences – Promote IEEE webinars, training courses and online resources Promote career paths in engineering and technology-related fields, by promoting resources on R4 website Provide online resources for information on curriculum, accreditation, recruiting and retention, educational policies, and the research enterprise Partner with Technical, Student, Area Chairs and other R4 committees to coordinate educational activities for R4 Develop roster of education chairs for sections, develop list and communicate with them to gather feedback on section concerns/needs
2011 R4 Education Goals Promote R4 Educational Activities and Webinars Promote career paths in engineering and technology-related fields, by promoting resources on R4 website Provide online resources for information on curriculum, accreditation Partner with Technical, Student, Area Chairs and other R4 committees to coordinate educational activities for R4 Improve communication with sections and chapters