CLASS EXPECTATIONS Be ready to learn (prepared, on time and on task)
Do not talk when Mr. Swift is giving directions/ teaching or when your peers are asking/answering a question.
Sit in your assigned seat everyday. No cursing or inappropriate conversations.
Raise your hand if you have a question and wait to be called on.
No cell phones or ipods/headphones in class. No eating or drinking in class.
Got Pee? No excretion or hydration during the first or last 10 minutes of class.
Late Work Due to Absence Full credit If turned in within 5 days of original due date with a legitimate absence note 10% reduction If turned in within 5 days of original due date without an absence note 50% reduction If turned in prior to the end of the marking period After 1 week, copies of work are no longer available
Where is my missed work? As soon as you enter class, visit the “ Absent Station ”. Obtain missed work from the folder labeled with the day(s) that you were absent. Complete the assignment (s) at home and turn in your work during the next class period.
Late Work Due to Other Reasons 10% reduction Each day an assignment is late. After 5 days the assignment can no longer be turned in for credit. Cutting = No credit
Class Wikipage All class materials (including PowerPoint presentations) are available
BIOLOGY (1 st 3 rd 7 th PERIOD)
FORENSICS (2 nd and 6 th PERIOD)