Spring Break is Almost Here! Please humor me and put your name tent up one more time…. Thanks. -- And pls drop off your monitoring assignment with Brye.
Today’s Agenda Fred the Foodie’s Great Adventures The Ice Cream Store Previewing process walk through and flow charts
Fred the Foodie A 332 Adventure Story!
Meet Fred
Fred: Man of Vision Values: Food and fun Vision: Working around food Strategy: A food service career strategy –In Toledo! With S.M.A.R.T. goals –E.g., I’ll get $9/hour job within 2 weeks
“Work with Food” Food Service Strategy Goal: Get job Key Success Factors Strategic Options Fred’s Strategic Cycle
Fred: Time Manager Par Excellence Vision of working with food and fun drives time use Uses calendar actively…
Fred: Time Manager Par Excellence Notes deadlines – tickmarks before Makes a new to-do list every day Uses A, B, C prioritization Breaks tasks into small pieces Is realistic
Fred the Yoga Guru Fred also manages his stress level, through: –Knowing his values and vision –Prioritizing accordingly –Take care of his body: Eating healthy food Drinking water Exercising Getting enough sleep (regularly) So he is less vulnerable to stressors!
Good thing, because…
Fred’s new supervisor is Mrs. Murkle … and she is NOT a good director
Delegating by Mrs. M. 1.Responsibility: “It’s your baby now” 2.Authority: “But I still call all the shots” 3.Accountability: “And I’m too busy for updates”
Fred’s Delegation Nightmare “No, I don’t know what I want. Show some creativity!” “What do you mean you don’t speak Urdu? Learn!” “Well, I might want it this way, but I might want it that way…” “Do I look like I have time to talk to you?”
The Nightmare Continues “ Well, that’s no good. Follow this 17-step protocol instead.” “You don’t mind me standing here, do you?” “That was so wrong!”
… and she’s just as bad at mentoring
Her feedback is: Only occasional Based on no discernable information Vindictive Delivered at inopportune times “You really have been making a muck of things. Well, I’ve got to run now. See you tomorrow!”
“That’s It!” Fred Says “I QUIT!”
What Next? Well, what are my values? What was my strategy? And what are my key success factors?
Well… I could open my own ice cream shop!
Coming Up Tuesday after spring break: TQI mini lecture and practice –Ice cream flow chart due Thursday control chart session in computer lab