AP Agenda for August 26, 2013 Daily Objectives: 1. Understand how language shapes our world. 2. Understand the key rhetorical concepts in DIDST. Daily Activities and Assessment: Watch short video on Stephen Fry’s “Typography” and discuss Work in groups on A Walk in the Woods DIDST Activity; it will be due at the beginning of class on Wednesday Finish going over Kincaid essay scoring If time, work on PACAW chart of Kincaid essay (p. 398a) Warning: Your first AP essay will be on Friday
AP Agenda for August 28/29, 2013 Daily Objectives: Understand how to analyze imagery Understand the purpose of satire Daily Activities and Assessment: Watch video at on to analyze for imagery and details. As you watch this two minute clip, write down every image you think is significant. In a group, pick out the three most significant images you would analyze in a rhetorical analysis essay and how you would analyze them. Turn in your A Walk in the Woods activity as ONE PROJECT PER GROUP in a folder on my laptop for your class period Read through p d for some tips on success in an AP English class as people turn in their project Go over another rhetorical analysis essay based on an article from The Onion (starting on p. 118); we will brainstorm ideas for how to write this and read sample papers to prepare us for next class’ REAL AP essay
AP Agenda for August 29/30 Daily Objectives: Understand how to write a successful rhetorical analysis essay Understand how to engage in college-level discussion Daily Assessments: Complete AP Essay #1 Read “College Pressures” in Patterns for College Writing in our Circle of Love and Understanding
ENC 1101 Agenda for August 27, 2013 Daily Objective/s: 1. To learn to effectively evaluate a peer’s work. 2. To understand how to effectively write an illustrative/exemplification essay. Daily Activities and Assessment: Complete Old School Literary Allusions Assignment— including individual and group activity Begin discussion of The Last Lecture Work on peer editing of The Last Lecture essay; I will call you up to conference with you on your rough draft during your time in the computer lab. If you do not finish your peer editing in class it will be due by 11:59 pm tonight to
ENC 1101 Agenda for August 29, 2013 Daily Objectives: To participate fully in a college level classroom discussion To successfully complete an illustration/exemplification essay Daily Activities and Assessments: Assign books Assign and work on group projects on Old School. They will be due next Wednesday. (Note: This is in an ideal universe. If we are working on it next Monday and we HONESTLY need more time I will give you more time.) Finish The Last Lecture discussion Readings for Writers Selections/Assignment/Discussion: “Guidelines for Critical Reading” 3-10 (in class), Chapter 2: “What is Rhetoric?” 16-40; “What—and How—to Write When You Have No Time to Write,” 41; “Have a Cigar,” 52; “How to Say Nothing in 500 Words” 65; “Assignment 1: The Research Paper,” ; Chapter 10: “Illustration and Exemplification” ; “Mirror, Mirror on the Wall…” 350; “Don’t Legalize Drugs” 358; “Drug Use: The Continuing Epidemic,” 365 Work on final draft of The Last Lecture essay in the computer lab; it is due at 11:59 pm tonight.