Writing Process Ms. Ruzzo
Prewriting Everything you do before you begin an assignment. Make lists of ideas and topics. Read and take notes on a topic. Make a visual map of ideas. Ask questions about a topic. Make an outline of your paper.
Drafting Begin putting the paper in paragraphs. Check to have the following. Thesis Statement (this would be where you are stating your theme. Topic Sentence at the beginning of each paragraph. In the (type of genre, novel, short story, poem, biography, etc.) _____________________ by _________________________, the theme is evident when __________________________. Story Coherence Unity
Revising Check to see if the essay fits the thesis. Make sure each paragraph has a topic sentence. Make sure there are smooth transitions. Do you have sufficient support.
Editing and Proofreading Proofread, Proofread, Proofread!! Check spelling, grammar, and make sure your sentences make sense!
When writing an essay… Have a separate sheet of paper with the heading being “Prewrite for: _______________________”.
Another sheet of paper that is titled… “First Draft for ____________________”
Final Draft Always typed!! (I will let you know if we will be doing this in school or if you should do it at home!) 12 pt font Times New Roman or Arial Font Double Spaced
Heading First, Last Name Teacher’s Name Period Assignment Title of Paper