Different computer networks
Star network The star network is local area network mostly used at home, school and offices. Star network has 5 or 6 workstations and each workstation is connected by a cable which goes directly to the server or switch. The switch then sends all information and data to every work station or devises. In start network if a cable is failure it will lose the connection between the switcher and workstation, but only that workstation will lose the connation not all workstations. Advantages Start network are truth worthy because if one device is not working it will not effect all other devices and they will work fine. Star network does not have much collisions because each workstation has their own bale connoted to the server Start network is secure because you can not effect other workstation unlit you go throw the network first. Disadvantages Star network can be expensive because it uses a lot of cable. To set up star network you nee top have good knowledge.
Bus Network Bus network is a local area network and each workstation and devices is connected to the cable which is called bus. In bus network all the workstation, printers and devices are connected to one cable which is called bus. Each cable has a terminator at the end this helps the signals to back down the server. Advantages Bus network can be easy to install and connect to workstations because it uses less cable. Is less cost to install because bus network doesn’t need much cable. Disadvantages Too many workstation connected to the network data can travel slower than the normal speed. If the network become busy the data will stop traveling. In bus network if the main cable damages the whole network will fail to work.
Ring network In Ring network all the devices printer and workstation are connected to each other in a circle. In ring network the data transfer in the circle ring and it pass from one computer to another and it goes round and each workstation receives data. Ring network turns around in the circle and it stops in the destination. Advantages Ring network has a high speed of data transfer even if there is large amount of workstation connected. The data transfer in one way and the service is wont have any data collision or disconnection because it goes one way. Disadvantages If one workstation is turned off the network will stop working. Data have to go through all the workstations to get to the destination and this makes the network slower.
Mesh network In a mesh network all the devices or workstation are connected to each other. Mesh network has two different types of network e.g. full mesh network and partial network. In a full mesh network each node is connected to all other nodes network.
Different types of network Local Area Network Local area netLocal area network is a group of workstation that share Workstation device like network data and printer. LAN is usually used in office school and homes. In LAN network you can connect workstations and each workstation has its own CPU. Workstation can access data and devices anywhere on the LAN. LAN network is also used to communicate with each other for example sending s. LAN network can transfer data at very fast speed and it is also faster than transferring data over phone line
Wide Area Network Wide area network. WAN network is wide and is usually connected to public network for example telephone system and satellite. LAN network has a large wide are and this network can cover the are of a country. LAN is usually connected to different smaller network for example Local Area Network or Metro Area Network. WAN network has more expensive networking equipment than LAN do
Uses and features of local area network. uses of LAN network. LAN is used to share data ad files and communication. user can share files and data and network system software. LAN can transfer data, s, network file, information and it can also transfer voice and images. features LAN network coverage area is usually in a few meters in LAN network you can use topology's for example ring topology and bus topology. LAN network has low cost installation and is much cheaper than WAN network because LAN uses small amount of cables..