Unit 1- Self Assessment Chapter 1- You & the World of Work Work- using your talents to do something you enjoy Job- work you do for pay Career- series of related jobs Lifestyle- way you use your time Why we work- earn $, be with others, self-fulfillment
Global Economy & Market Economy- how a group produces, distributes, and consumes goods & services Global economy- how world economies are linked Basic skills- reading, writing, math, listening, speaking Thinking skills- creative, decision making, problem-solving Personal- respons, self-esteem, sociability, management, integrity
Changing technology Today’s workplace: team Outsourcing- hire other companies to produce goods Telecommunicate- Job outlook
Chapter 2- Getting to Know Yourself
Decision Making 7-step Process Define needs/wants Analyze your resources Identify your choices Gather information Evaluate your choices Make a decision Plan how to reach your goal
Setting Lifestyle Goals: Lifestyle goals Values Values: Responsibility, Relationships, Compassion, Courage, Achievement, Recognition Interests Data, people, things---categories
Realistic?? Aptitude Ability Personality Self-concept Learning styles