Does it require confidence to affirm others ? Pick up a teammates matter book from the book shelf and look over chapter 1 Please put phones in garage and have a seat and respond to the Journal Prompt
Develop an understanding of self-concept Understand how social experiences, social comparisons, and reflected appraisals affect self-concept
1.The reporter asked Alan a very important question, “ Why would you want to be on this team if you were never going to play?” 1.If you knew you were not going to play on your current team would you still want to be a part of it? Why? 2.One point made within the first 2 chapters is that NO successful team can have players, one through fifteen, who do not value their roles and contribute to the team. What do you think it means to value your role on a team? 3.“At different points in our lives we all have a bench to deal with.” What did Alan mean by this? What are some of the benches or obstacles that you have had in your sports experience thus far?
On a sheet of paper respond to the following question! On a sheet of paper respond to the following question! What is your self-concept? What is your self-concept? Literally what do you think of yourself Literally what do you think of yourself I do not want the definition of the term I do not want the definition of the term
What is self-concept?
Formed 3 ways Social Experiences Social Comparisons Reflected Appraisals
Circle of Influence 0-2 years 2-5 years 5-12 years 12-? years
Comparing ourselves to others vs. VS VS VS. VS.
Do not want to play people that are not as “talented” as us Do not want to play people that will destroy us We want to compete against people who are close to the same ability as we are
Three boys were asked by a visitor what all they were learning at school…one boy began to cry. Another boy asked, “Bobby what’s the matter? Aren’t you learning anything in school?” Bobby replied, “Yeah, I learned that I’m a slow learner, that I’m fat, and that I’m the last one picked for teams. And I’m going to kill myself!!!
Sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me! How UNTRUE!!!!!
Reflected Appraisals- the way we think others are thinking about us Reflected Appraisals- the way we think others are thinking about us Research Shows- most of our behaviors are motivated by our concerns about what others will think about us! Research Shows- most of our behaviors are motivated by our concerns about what others will think about us!
The party scene The dating scene Social media scene Newest trends
Hearing negative over positive What are some of the negative things we hear or think about ourselves?
As leaders we MUST learn to accept the positive things people say
Self-concept is based on performance Why as leaders can we not allow our self concept to be based on performance? Self worth must be based on WHO WE ARE not What we do
They cry at the worst times They poop and pee on themselves They can’t do chores or help around the house You can’t even carry on a conversation with them
So cute! OMG they are so precious How sweet Look how pretty your baby is As Timmy gets older and is now three the rules suddenly change Timmy knocks over a glass of milk that ruins the newspaper or magazine Dad yells “ What is wrong with you!!!?”
Once we were given worth even though we did nothing to earn it Now we are expected to perform at a certain level if we expect the same acceptance We used to be special and precious no matter what we did Now our worth is suddenly based upon our ability to perform and conduct ourselves according to the social norms in our environment
A good true self-concept will produce self confidence Know yourself Accept yourself Have regards for gifts and talents Positive self thoughts Characteristics of people with a positive self concept that result in self-confidence- They take risk They are not afraid to try new ideas They invest themselves in their ideas They are concerned about others because they are not busy protecting their own insecurities They are more likely to persist on difficult tasks, seeing them through until completion