You are whatever you think you are.
LABELING Write a paragraph on a time that you labeled (“judged”) someone else and then later found out that they were totally a different person from who you thought they were How do you define yourself
I CAN’T Get a balloon - write down everything that you hate about yourself Put it to the side Get paper bag – write down everything you love about yourself Put balloon in bag and sit on it Discuss
SELF-CONCEPT CIRCLE The person I think I am. The person others think I am. The person others think I think I am As I See Myself My Actions As Others See Me Other’s Reactions To Me
DEFINITIONS Self-concept: the mental image or perception that one has of oneself Self-esteem: pride in oneself and self-respect
DOVE VIDEO CLIPS How do you compare yourself to others? What do you think about yourself?
No one can Make you feel inferior Without your Consent. Eleanor Roosevelt
SELF-ESTEEM AND BULLYING Lack of self-esteem Can cause someone to either allow others to bully them or cause them to bully other people Effects of bullying on self-esteem Loss of confidence Self-Criticism Rejection, Isolation
LOW SELF-ESTEEM Low self-esteem is very closely related to feelings of hopelessness, depression, and suicidal ideation Low self-esteem affects learning and can lead to such problems as: Bullying Delinquency Unhealthy relationships Eating disorders Violence Drug abuse Suicide
BULLYING PREVENTION Look under your table!
BULLYING PREVENTION Education Create a safe environment with policies and rules Talk to an adult Don’t retaliate Respond evenly and firmly Act confident Develop friendships and stick up for each other
LOCAL PROGRAMS: Utah NAMI: National Alliance on Mental Illness Utah SPRC: Suicide Prevention Resource Center Hope 4 Utah – Suicide Prevention
Find a good role model Praise & compliments Focus on the positive Keep criticism to a minimum Set & achieve goals Comparing yourself to others Putting yourself down Drug abuse ? HOW IS SELF-CONCEPT BUILD & DESTROYED BUILT DESTROYED
TIPS FOR BUILDING SELF- ESTEEM Associate with people who build. Build others, sincere compliments. Set and achieve goals. Eat correctly, look your best. Observe self-confident people. Ask for help. Improve yourself, learn something new. Do not say negative things about yourself. Think positively.
WHAT CAN YOU DO Accept yourself: Stop worrying about the things you can’t change. Be more accepting of others and the things they can’t change. Try not to compare with others. It’s unfair. You may compare their strengths with your weaknesses. Judge yourself in terms of your own growth
WHAT CAN YOU DO Have Realistic Expectations – We expect to much from ourselves. Perfection is not possible but bettering our self should be a lifetime goal. We grow with models who appear to be perfect at everything. Hero’s are good to look at but they have their problems too.
POSITIVE SELF-CONCEPT I can do anything I really want to do I have definite strengths and abilities I am an okay person I see myself as being as good as my friends There are many ways to solve a problem
NEGATIVE SELF-CONCEPT Why try? I could never do it anyway. I am not nearly as good as my friends. I am a jerk. I knew my plans would not work. I cannot do anything right.
CLASS COMPLIMENTS End of the first unit Square grid with everyone’s name on it – time in class Put seating chart up on board Turn in, cut up, give back to students Give to them out the door