Chapter 2
CHAPTER 2 You will need… Sheet of paper To define the Key Terms from your book or the PowerPoint as you follow along in this chapter
Setting Lifestyle Goals Lifestyle Goals – the way you want to spend your time, energy, and resources in the future. Take out a sheet of paper and answer the following questions on page 30 What do you want to accomplish in life? Do you want to raise a family? Where would you like to live – in a house or in an apartment? In a city or in the country? How would you like to spend your free time? Do you want a high income or just enough money to be comfortable?
Setting Lifestyle Goals Write down what you’d like to accomplish by these certain age milestones Ages… 21 30 40 50 65 (Retirement age)
What Are Your Values? Become aware of what you value Values – the principles that you want to live by and the beliefs that really matter to you. Think about what you find TRULY important Art Helping others Fixing things Money
Six General Values 1) Responsibility 2) Relationships 3) Compassion 4) Courage 5) Achievement 6) Recognition Take a minute and write down what you find truly important, and list what jobs might suit that value
What Are Your Interests? Write down 10 of your favorite things to do. Think of activities you like to do with friends or quietly by yourself At school, at home, at work, or outdoors By looking at these interests, decide what you would prefer to work with. Data People Things
Review Work On your sheet of paper, make sure you defined the following key terms Lifestyle Goals Values Data When finished, do the Key Concept Checkpoint, 1-4 on page 34
NEXT SECTION – 2.3 Are Your Goals Realistic? Aptitudes and Abilities Aptitude: Your potential for learning a specific skill Ability: Is a skill you have already developed Make a list of your aptitudes and abilities. Come up with at least 8 aptitudes or abilities
Your Personality and Learning Styles Personality: Combination of your attitudes, behaviors, and characteristics Self-Concept: The way you see yourself Learning Styles: The different ways that people naturally think and learn Read the list of eight styles of learning and answer the following. Which ones apply to you? Which one do you think is your main style of learning? What are your top 4 styles of learning?
Path to Your Career REVIEW 1. VALUES AND INTERESTS: What you value and enjoy 2. APTITUDES AND ABILITIES: Skills that come naturally to you 3. PERSONALITY AND LEARNING STYLES: Where do you feel the most comfortable and what brings out the best in you.
Determining Your Personality Type Meyers-Briggs Will take later Make sure you defined the Key Terms in Section 2.3 Key Concept Review: 1-3 page 40