Design Process/ Problem Solving Process
7 th grade GPS MSENGR-II-3: Students will demonstrate engineering design and problem solving skills. MSENGR-II-6: Students will develop leadership skills and work ethics. –Demonstrate work ethics within the classroom and lab environment.
Design Process 6 steps (Non-linear) 1. Identify the problem. 2. Collect information. 3. Develop solutions. 4. Isolate/detail - Choose the best solution. 5. Model/prototype - Implement the solution. 6. Evaluate, test and gather feedback
Universal/Simple Systems Model InputProcess Output Feedback
Design Process vs. SM Scientific method – linear Problem Solving Method – non-linear
1. Identify the problem Clearly define the goals Understand the criteria and constraints Criteria – what is required Constraints – limitations or restrictions
2. Collect information Ask questions and conduct research Who, what, when, where, why? Analyze 7-resources People People Information Information Materials Materials Tools & Machines Tools & Machines Time Time Energy Energy Capital Capital
3. Develop possible solutions MORE than 1!!! Mrs. Johnson will require a minimum of 3 This is where we draw/sketch ideas - thumbnails
5 ways to develop solutions Brainstorming Trial and error Accident Past experience Insight
4. Choose the best solution Isolate choices and look at details Final choice depends on the resources available, there are 7 This is where you make your FINAL design, should be neat and detailed
7-resources of technology People Information Materials Tools & Machines Time Energy Capital
Types of Thinking Skills Critical Creative Decision
5. Implement the solution Implement is a verb Here we do the solution, make it, build it, try it out Create the model/prototype
6. Evaluate Test it Gather feedback Includes final reflection Consider what went well and what could be improved.