3° Trensnational Meeting Koprivnica (Croazia) 16 th of Jenuary 2008 Province of Brindisi activities arch. Mina Piazzo
Activity 2: Form 1: organizative and management models Output n. 1: Water net community Province of Brindisi is realizing the Sportello Unico informatico dellacqua – Informatic windows on the theme of water service, following a national law that allows to the citizen to present all the required documents related to particular subjects (i.e. industrial activities start up) into a unique public service; in our case, all the water service informations will be avaible into an unique web platform (in Italy water competences are divided into some different local authorities).
Output n. 1: Water net community Province of Brindisi has delivered, through a public competition, that the Sportello Unico informatico dellacqua – Informatic water windows will be realized by Novus Srl, an enterprice specialized on the theme of water. The final budget for this action is The work delivered is foreseen for 31 st of May Activity 2: Form 1: organizative and management models
Novus Srl work team: n. 1 senior engineer coordinator n. 1 architect - environmental and management consultant, Quality Manager n. 1 geologist, water authorizative processes expert n. 1 engineer - Content Management System n. 1 junior engineer n. 2 informatic experts Activity 2: Form 1: organizative and management models
Province of Brindisi will organize a technical table, with all the stakeholder on the theme of water governance in its own territory. Work will be done in n. 3 steps: - Phase I) actual situation analysis; - Phase II) elaboration of partecipate procedures; - Phase III) design and development of the Informatic water windows - water net community.
Output phase I): 1) document Analysis of roles and functions of the public institutions involved into the water management at the local level; 2) involved public institutions description cards; 3) involved public institutions technical cards; Activity 2: Form 1: organizative and management models
Output phase II): 1): report issues document; Activity 2: Form 1: organizative and management models
Output phase III): 1) web platform Informatic water windows; 2) training course for public official involved into the platform up to date. Activity 2: Form 1: organizative and management models
Output n. 2: Realization of the conference States General on the theme of water (June 2008) For this output Province of Brindisi is organizing the involvment of Apulia Region into the project, that will develop: 1. The formal contact with Local Authorities to involve into the Conference at national level; 2. The print office for the national level. Activity 2: Form 1: organizative and management models
Thank you !