Measurement and Parameterization of Air-Sea Gas Transfer over the Southern Ocean in GasEx-III C. W. Fairall, J. E. Hare, Ludovic Bariteau, ESRL- CIRES/Univ. of Colorado, Boulder, CO; D. Helmig INSTAAR/Univ. of Colorado, Boulder, CO Cooperations with McGillis, Edson, Huebert, Zappa MPI-CHEMIE GASEX-III Southern Ocean Silver Spring, MD- Sept., 2007.
Planned Sensors for GASEX III
Fast Ozone Sensor Inlet with filter Sampling Line Configuration of the experiment during TexAQS and STRATUS 2006
Closed path CO2 and Ozone Sensors
Cruise Tracks TexAQS 2006Stratus 2006 October 13 to October 25 July 27 to September 10
Deposition velocity for TexAQS 2006 Gulf of Mexico Land
Deposition velocity for STRATUS 2006
Deposition velocity versus Friction velocity TexAQS 2006STRATUS 2006
Closed Path CO2: Dual Li-7500: Ventilated, One unit homogenized
Locations Most sensors on jackstaff Ozone system (pump?) and CIP laptop in Huebert seatainer Radiative fluxes on top of seatainer Sea snake off port side DAS computers in science office
Summary Of Observations Basic bulk meteorology Eddy covariance fluxes: *wT, wq, wu,wv * Ozone, CO2, DMS Wave spectrum Sea spray, rain, radiative fluxes Ship motions/navigation