To continue to become familiar with the multiple-choice part of the AP exam. To begin to examine the techniques of comedy. To examine the standards of etiquette in Victorian society.
Timed AP Multiple-Choice test: The Awakening. (Twenty minutes) Background on Oscar Wilde and Victorian time period. Begin reading The Importance of Being Earnest.
Extra-credit opportunity next week only during lunch: both lunches on A Day or first lunch on B Day. Mon, April 8: absolute last day to turn in The Awakening Dialectal Journal. Mon, April 15: matching test over Techniques of Comedy.
Born in Dublin Came from an upper-class family Studied aestheticism: one versed in the theory of beauty and artistic expression. Closet homosexual, but he did marry. Wilde’s most brilliant comedy was The Importance of Being Earnest, released in Served jail time for homosexual activities.
Setting: London and the countryside in 1895, during the last years of the Victorian time period. The English aristocrats flourished!! This is the group on which Wilde’s satire focus on, along with the view that marriage has nothing to do with love; it is a means for achieving social status
Character development Themes Motifs Symbolism Techniques of comedy
John Worthing, J.P. Algernon Moncrieff Rev. Canon Chasuble Merriman Lane Lady Brackwell Hon. Gwendolen Fairfax Cecily Cardew Miss Prism