Emperor Justinian and his Court
Empress Theordora and her Court
Byzantine Empire and its neighbors
Anatolia- Heart of Byzantium
BIRTH Byzantium was originally the Eastern portion of the Roman Empire. Constantinople became the new capital of Rome in 330 C.E.
LIFE - ACCOMPLISHMENTS Justinian forms “Justinian’s Code” – Organized Roman Laws Built the Hagia Sophia Held competitions in the Hippodrome Greek gradually replaces Latin as the main language of the Empire Iconoclast contraversy 1054 – the Schism-the Roman and Byzantine Churches split Rome – Roman Catholic Byzantine – Eastern Orthodox Cyril and other missionaries convert Russians to Eastern Orthodox and gives them the Cyrillic Alphabet.
Hagia Sophia
Hagia Sophia - Interior
Byzantine Icon
Cyrillic Alphabet Compliments of Cyril – Byzantine Monk
Focus: To what extent did Byzantium survive long after its death? Use your homework and notes from yesterday and today compose an “obituary” for the Byzantine Empire. You should include at least (2) specific historical facts/events for each phase of the Byzantine Empire’s “life”. You must discuss it’s “birth” (how it rose to power), its’ accomplishments (technology, economy and politics) and its’ “decline and death” (what led to its’ decline and what legacy it has left to other cultures).