THE LEGACY OF ROME How did ancient Rome influence our modern society? Rome: capital of “THE GREATEST EMPIRE” Roads “ALL ROADS LEAD TO ROME” (signs w/distance) Empire lasted 500 yrs. (27 BC – 476 AD) 50 million people
In what ways were these 50 million people connected? Connection = just roads? No way Roman law / Roman customs / Roman military 200 AD – Roman Empire spans the Mediterranean world Peaceful & prosperous 1 language / 1 law / soldiers protected borders This will last forever. Or will it?
PROBLEMS IN THE LATE EMPIRE Political instability: Choosing an Emperor Problem w/ peaceful transition of power Armies fought or Emperors chosen by Praetorian Guard Economic or Social Problems: Financing of armies = huge taxes for citizens Taxes = weakened economy or poverty for many citizens Unemployment high b/c wealthy used slaves (free labor) Social Problems = corruption in gov’t & decline in the spirit of citizenship (Nero/Caligula) Weakening frontiers = huge size was hard to defend