The Treaty of Versailles June 28, 1919
The Paris Peace Conference ► Armistice (end of fighting) happened on November 11, 1918 ► War ended formally with the Paris Peace Conference in 1919, held at the Palace of Versailles
The Paris Peace Conference ► Borden insisted that Canada play a role in the Peace Conference, even though Britain and the US opposed it ► Borden won and Canada sent 4 delegates to Paris
Terms and Conditions of the Treaty ► Military Germany would be almost completely disarmed (no air force, no U-Boats, no tanks, no battleships) German army limited to troops
Terms and Conditions of the Treaty ► Territory The Rhineland (area between France and Germany) was demilitarized France took over Alsace and Lorraine (German provinces)
Terms and Conditions of the Treaty Germany divided up and Czechoslovakia and Poland took over large parts of German territory Germany was forced to recognize Czechoslovakia, Poland and Austria as independent countries
Terms and Conditions of the Treaty
► War Guilt Clause Germany was forced to accept total and sole responsibility for World War One
Terms and Conditions of the Treaty: ► Reparations Germany would have to pay damages totaling about $33 billion Justified because Germany territory had not been destroyed by the war but large areas of France and Belgium had been devastated
Terms and Conditions of the Treaty: ► League of Nations Organization established to promote international cooperation and peace Suggested by US President Woodrow Wilson
The End of the War ► Germany agreed to such a harsh treaty only because Allies threatened to resume fighting ► Many people realized that the treaty was too harsh and would not bring lasting peace ► Prime Minister Borden was included in those who signed the Treaty of Versailles on June 28, 1919 ► This was a true indication of increasing Canadian independence on the international stage