You are to construct a water pitcher with a functional spout and handle. Your pitcher may be wheel thrown or hand built.
You should study the various forms of the pitchers found in our pottery magazines as well as online. Also you may look at the 500 Pitchers book that is at my desk. Remember this is your Water Pitcher and it must be your own design. DO NOT copy someone else’s design.
. You will need to be sure that the form of your pitcher channels water efficiently through the spout Your Pitcher must be at least 8inches tall
The handle should be strong enough to carry the weight of the liquid inside and must be securely attached to the body. Surface decoration should complement the form of the pitcher. NO Underglazes will be used for this project.
Pay close attention to details such as consistent wall thickness, smooth edges, and hidden seams. Proportions should be well planned so that your pitcher has good design qualities. Your Pitcher must sit firmly on a flat surface to avoid tipping and spilling. The base of your pitcher should be clean and free of glaze.
You will need to design at least 2 different water pitchers in your sketchbook and also include a final sketch of your finished pitcher.
Body, Handle and Spout are present and attached well. It is Functional At least 8 inches tall Pieces show good design qualities and are well balanced, Not Bottom heavy. Wall thickness is consistent
Seams are not visible Surface treatment complements the form Glaze is applied correctly Pitcher sits firmly on a flat surface and exhibits good craftsmanship and attention to detail. Neatness and Class time spent well.