L ANDING A JOB It’s more than good luck!
P OSSIBLE E MPLOYMENT S ETTINGS Schools Clinics or Hospitals Community / Public Health Agencies Business / Industry Self-Employment
L ANDING THAT FIRST JOB Creating a resume that reflects professional competence Type all application materials and proof read all materials multiple times
L ANDING THAT FIRST JOB Experience…experience…experience! Previous employment Internships/Practicums Service Learning Volunteering
L ANDING THAT FIRST JOB Review job openings on a regular basis Network…network…network
L ANDING THAT FIRST JOB Develop a Portfolio! Work samples (varied) Certifications / Licensure Professional Memberships
L ANDING THAT FIRST JOB Honest Assessment of Skills Communication Skills Written Verbal Second language Collaboration Technology Skills Leadership Skills Organization Skills Assessment, Planning, Implementing, Evaluating
L ANDING THAT FIRST JOB Current and specific references Developing relationships necessary for people to provide recommendations beyond the standard
I NTERVIEWING Do your homework Having a vision for your future Being able to communicate your strengths and identify areas in which you will continue to grow Demonstrating good listening skills Providing answers to the questions asked
W HAT YOU WANT TO KNOW ABOUT YOUR EMPLOYER ? Support for continuing education or professional development Benefits package Work environment/climate Strengths/future goals of the agency or organization… Review process/advancement