Queensland Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Framework
Understanding the Standards Workshop 4
Workshop aims To develop an understanding of the Standards and their role within the QCAR Framework
The five components of the QCAR Framework Essential Learningsclarify what to teach Standardsprovide a common language to describe student achievement Assessment Bankprovides online access to a collection of quality assessments and resources Queensland Comparable Assessment Tasks (QCATs) in Years 4, 6 and 9 provide evidence of what students know, understand and can do, and support consistency of teacher judgment Guidelines for Reportingsupport consistency of reporting
Knowledge and understandingWays of working
Assessable elements: the focus of assessment the valued features of the KLA
SCIENCE Knowledge and understanding Investigating Communicating Reflecting SOSE Knowledge and understanding Investigating Communicating Participating Reflecting Assessable elements
Assessable elements and descriptors Assessable elements identify the valued features of the KLA about which evidence of student learning is collected and assessed Descriptors identify the qualities associated with each assessable element, for each A – E grade
support teachers to make judgments about the quality of student achievement help develop consistency of teacher judgments Assessable elements and descriptors
Developing task-specific descriptors
ABCDE Comprehensive Insightful Proficient Discerning Well-reasoned Clear Perceptive Controlled Skilful Accurate Significant Well-justified Thorough Thoughtful Logical Coherent Effective Logical Purposeful Informed Accurate Proficient Satisfactory Suitable Competent Relevant Credible Sound Appropriate Functional Narrow Variable Disjointed Superficial Rudimentary Minimal Unclear Cursory Vague Descriptors of quality
Consider this example: Year 7 ‘Food webs’ task Which Science assessable elements would relate to this task? How could more specific information be added to the assessable elements to more closely reflect the task?
More information on the QCAR Framework Website: