accident a crash involving a car, train, plane, or other vehicle blowout an occasion when a tyre on a moving vehicle suddenly bursts break down if a machine or vehicle breaks down, it stops working bump a minor car accident collision an accident in which a person or vehicle that is moving crashes into something
fender-bender a minor accident in which vehicles are slightly damaged fishtail if a vehicle fishtails, its back end moves from side to side in an uncontrolled way head-on a head-on crash is one in which two vehicles travelling in opposite directions hit each other shunt a situation in which several cars crash into each other in a line SMIDSY Sorry Mate, I Didn’t See You: something that car drivers are alleged to say when they have hit a cyclist because they didn’t see him or her in time
REPORT – izvještaj MAKE – marka PASSENGER – putnik LICENCE PLATE– registarske tablice RAN A RED LIGHT – proći kroz crveno svjetlo na semaforu STRIKE – udariti POINT OF IMPACT – mjesto/tačka udara COLLISION - sudar MINOR – mali, neznatan CAUSE DAMAGE– izazvati štetu PRIMARILY – uglavnom, prevashodno WORKING ORDER – uvoznom stanju INJURY – povreda ON SCENE – na licu mjesta
Prošao sam kroz crveno svjetlo jer nije bilo nikog na raskrsnici a meni se ž urilo. I ran a red light because the intersection was clear and I was in a hurry. Sudar je izazvao neznatnu štetu na vozilu – nekoliko ogrebotina na suvoza č evim vratima. The crash (has) caused minor damage to the vehicle – a few scratches at the passanger’s side door. On nikada nije u č estvovao u saobra ć ajnoj nezgodi, č ak ni najmanji sudar. He has never had a car accident, not even a bump.
Mjerljivi/materijalni troškovi sudara uklju č uju troškove popravke i osiguranja. Tangible costs of a collision include repair and insurance costs. Vaše vozilo nije u voznom stanju, a svjedoci su potvrdili da ste naglo zako č ili. Your vehicle is not in working order and the witnesses confirmed that you hit/slammed on the brakes.