S TARS AND THE SOLAR SYSTEM 1 Creative Commons License Content Sourced and Aggregated by Centre for Positive Learning Supported by TCS iON Learning Exchange Activity Assess Knowledge Class VIII / Term II / science
A CTIVITY Topic This mobile will help you to compare the size of the planets with respect to the Sun. Objective To make a solar system model 2 Class VIII / Term II / science
A CTIVITY C ONTD … Materials required Several different stiff chart papers, ruler, compass, string, pencil, scissors, pins. 3 Class VIII / Term II / science
A CTIVITY C ONTD … Steps to perform the activity Use the measures given below for each planet. They give you the relative sizes of the diameters of the planets. Mercury -1 cm; Venus 3 cm; Earth 4cm; Mars - 2 cm; Jupiter - 48 cm; Saturn - 38 cm; Uranus - 20 cm and Neptune - 20 cm. The Sun has not been included in this model as you would need a circle of diameter 4 m. Draw two circles for each planet according to the diameters mentioned for each planet. Cut out the circles you have just drawn. You should have 18 circles. Draw a line from the edge to the centre of each circle and cut along these line to get a slit. Take the cards for each planet and slip the two circles along the slits so that they fit into each other at right angles. Make a small hole at the top of each planet. Tie a string tightly 4 Class VIII / Term II / science
A CTIVITY C ONTD … Demonstration 5 Class VIII / Term II / science
A CTIVITY C ONTD … Conclusion The Solar system model is ready. 6 Class VIII / Term II / science
A SSESS K NOWLEDGE CCE Questions (5 Marks) 1. Which two planets have asteroids between them? 2. What is a galaxy? 3. Does the moon have any atmosphere? 4. Name the reaction taking place in the Sun. 5. Name different types of celestial bodies that are members of solar system. 7 Class VIII / Term II / science