What is (software) piracy? ■Unauthorized copying of software ■Includes distributing and downloading ■AKA ripping, cracking, warez, hacking, stealing
Different viewpoints
Pirate point of view ■Why pay for something you can get for free? –Can the pirate even afford the software? –Would the pirate purchase the software if he couldn’t pirate it? ■Copying software doesn’t cost the developer anything. –Unlike physical products ■“I’ll buy it if I like it” –Demo
Creator point of view ■Deserve to be paid for work –Intellectual property ■“I’ll buy it if I like it” counter –What if you don’t like it? –How often does that actually happen? ■Why would anyone buy something if it they can get it for free?
Digital Rights Management ■Prevents unauthorized users from accessing software. ■Notable Forms: –Registration key –Online registration –Constant internet connection –Physical “key”
Corporate Piracy ■Big deal for software developers. –Corporate is the biggest source of income for a lot of software. –Lawsuits for $$$$$$$$$$$$ –U.S Army and German company SAP
(possible) Benefits of piracy ■Creates reliance on software –Windows –WinRar ■“As long as they’re going to steal, we want them to steal ours.” – Bill Gates
Future of Piracy ■Freemium –AKA free to play –Base is free, pay to unlock extra features –Gets you hooked on other services ■Free for Personal Use ■Games piracy in trouble –New DRM on the block – Denuvo –“In two years time I’m afraid there will be no free games to play in the world” – 3DM
■ software-piracy-case.htmlhttp:// software-piracy-case.html ■ ■ ■ awarded--1-3-billion-in-sap-lawsuit.htmlhttp:// awarded--1-3-billion-in-sap-lawsuit.html ■ software-piracy-case.htmlhttp:// software-piracy-case.html ■ ■ ■ two-years / two-years /