The Functions & Qualities of Stage Lighting
Selective Visibility (Focus) Plausibility, Realism, Script Exposition Revelation of Form Create Mood
Tell the audience where to look & when Give the audience information about the story Show or distort the shapes of objects and people on the stage Create a mood for the play
Telling the audience where to look Telling the audience who to look at The eye naturally goes towards the light Selecting what areas of the stage should be in the dark and/or hidden and what areas should be lit Controlling the size of the acting space
Lighting design needs to meet the needs of the realities in the script such as: Time of day Weather Temperature Special effects required within a script such as explosions, fireworks, etc. Any other exposition
Lighting can change the shapes of things Lighting can reveal people and props in unexpected ways
Lighting can create the mood of an individual scene or overall play Lighting can help to build suspense, create energy or happiness, or accentuate tragedy. We can use lighting to move the emotions of the audience by creating the mood for the play.
By using the tools (or qualities) of stage lighting!
Intensity Color Direction Cueing (Timing/Movement) Instrumentation
How bright or dim the light is Brighter light will always draw focus
Color media: Gels LED instruments Color helps to create mood & realistic or non-realistic scenes
Instruments are hung at a variety of locations and at a variety of angles Direction and angles can create shadows Direction and angles of light reveal the shapes of things and people in interesting ways
Lighting designers choose when in the script a cue takes place Lighting designers choose how long the cue lasts Lighting designers choose how often cues take place Timing affects the mood of a piece Timing can help create realistic or non-realistic
Lighting designers have a wide variety of instruments to choose from Different instruments give a different quality of light Fresnels – soft Ellipsodals – sharper Parcan – wide spread Scrolling/moving lights – soft or sharp, depending…