About RHSoft company Custom software development & supporting of IT systems
Customers since 2004 since 2005 since 2006 since 2007 BanksTelecommunicationsInsurance Industry Experience over the 10 years since 2010 Technoparks
Experience Operational services & CRM 1. Customer cash services (200+ offices in Russia, since 2011) 1. Processing of loan applications flow and customer applications (up to 16,000 applications & 500~2,000 visitors in the office per day, since 2011) 2. Debt collection (Soft collection system) (100 operators at the same time, since 2004) Technopark CRM to serve the tenants A pass to enter Tenant`s personal account 2. Internet-Bank system (R-Connect) operation support (400 thousand clients per month, since 2011) 3. Processing of orders on credit management (since 2006) CRM for maintenance of fixed-line subscribers. A unified customer profile.
Experience Production Planning and GPS monitoring of oil products supplies to petrol stations Planning and optimization of food packaging production Specialized systems 1. Accounting of collaterals for loans active collaterals, in operation since 2006 Technical teams route planning Mapping of infrastructure, accidents, connection requests 2. Automation of the bank documentary operations in the mutual settlement of the car dealer with the importer under the scheme of credit
Experience HRM (human resources management) MDM (master data management) Addresses data management 100,000+ addresses per month in operation since 2007 Personnel attestation 4 attestations of all 5,000 employees have been held so far Complex of personal accounts: insured client, partner Bank, corporate client Intranet web portal Procurement web portal Websites and personal accounts Distributor's personal account Depositor`s personal account Tenant`s personal account Highload bank website The customer support center
Custom development of information system 40+ projectssupporting 20 systems 6 projects Analysis Development Support Completion of third party projects Integration of information systems and equipment System developed by RHSoft Third-party systems Testing of third party systems Services
Why us? Our customers work with us over the years We've met all deadlines while developing the projects since the beginning of our operation We have a wide range of technological solutions Often our systems are more efficient than commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) software solutions
Contacts +7 (499) , ext. 25 Head office 9A, unit 5, Vavilova street, Moscow, Russia Development and testing office 3A, Sovetskaya street, Kursk, Russia