Old Method Place a Help- Wanted Ad in the Local Newspaper
We’ve always done it that way! Old Method
Unemployable Unemployed Soon to be unemployed
Your Best Candidates: Passive Job Seeker Target the employee who isn’t ACTIVELY looking for a job! 33% of work force will change jobs in the coming year33% of work force will change jobs in the coming year 66% of work force would change jobs if presented with the right opportunity66% of work force would change jobs if presented with the right opportunity
Extra! Read All About It Radio Allows You To Recruit 24 Hours A Day - The Mississippi media radio schedule runs from 6 a.m. to Midnight, reaching shift workers, reaching listeners missed in the morning or in the afternoon. Newspapers are read early in the day and then discarded. Radio Allows You to Target Your Applicants - Newspaper readers tend to be over-50 years old. It is harder to reach the younger worker with newspaper. Radio stations are all targeted: younger, older, male, female, etc. Radio—the fresh approach
Extra! Read All About It Radio Creates Immediate Response - Don’t wait until Sunday to get a response! Your ad will run multiple times on multiple days. Potential employees can be immediately directed to your website, or encouraged to resumes & cover letters. Radio—the fresh approach Radio Reaches Family and Friends – On radio you’ll also talk to people who know people looking for a job! They’ll spread the word to people even out of town that you’re hiring. Imagine, a Mother who wants her son to move back to Biloxi, a person about to be married who needs a job for a soon to be spouse who lives out of town.
Finding qualified candidates is one of the biggest challenges facing everyone in business today. Since the best employees are already working, the newspaper's classified section is no longer the best way to recruit quality applicants. Did you know that on average, people spend about only 29 minutes a day reading the newspaper?... In the Biloxi area the average person listens to radio 2 ½ hours per day! Source: The Arbitron RAB Consumer Study & Arbitron Biloxi Fall ‘09 TURN YOUR RADIO INTO YOUR RECRUITER!
` ` Recruitment Campaign = 42 :30 Commercials Sunday Monday Tuesday 6A – 7P 8X 6A-10A 3X3X 10A-3P 3X3X 3P-7P 3X3X 7P-MID 3X3X Mid-5A 5X5X $1145 ____ $1175____ $ 970____ $885____ $350____ Dates: Total Investment: __________________ Agreed By:_________________________________________Date:________