A Little Taste of Thanksgiving Compliments of: Lena Morelli and Wyatt Cota
Groceries I decided to go to Loblaw's to do my shopping because I love how fresh the produce is there and I like the quality of meat they sell. My list included: sweet potatoes (3 or 4), zucchini (1), white mushrooms (6-8 mediums), lemon (1), bacon (1 lb.), 1 whole chicken (3 lbs.), 1 box of chicken stock (unsalted), rice (any kind), 2 boxes of stove top chicken stuffing, 1 tall boy of Guinness beer
Other Ingredients: Olive oil Salt & pepper Paprika Mrs. Dash seasoning Thyme (dried or fresh) Montreal Chicken seasoning Garlic, minced Flour Butter White wine (optional) Beurre Manie (equal parts butter and flour cooked to form thickening agent)
Preparation: Part 1 Cut Vege’s Slice zucchini & cut each slice into batonettes Peel & slice sweet potatoes Trim & slice mushrooms Quarter lemon Rub the Chicken Rub butter under chicken skin Mix: paprika, salt, pepper, thyme, and Montreal spice in small bowl Sprinkle seasoning all over chicken and rub Pour some beer into roasting pan and place chicken over top Cook Bacon Chop into bits
Cooking the Prep Place chicken into preheated 450 degree oven and cook minutes per pound Place sweet potato slices into casserole dishe with olive oil, salt and a little pepper on every layer, and place in oven with 30 minutes left for chicken cook time (I also poured about ½ cup of white wine into the chicken roasting pan at this time) Cook rice/grains according to box directions and set aside Heat olive oil in a fry pan and cook mushrooms and zucchini at medium high heat until tender Bring 1 cup pf water and chicken stock to boil Pour stuffing package contents into fry pan with the veges and pour in the stock/water, cover and remove from heat Cook ½ cup of butter and ½ cup of flour in small dry pan over medium/high heat until paste
Finishing Dinner Remove chicken after cook time is achieved, turn off oven leaving the sweet potatoes in warm oven until ready to serve Wrap chicken in tinfoil and set aside Put vege/stuffing mixing back onto medium heat and stir in bacon bits and as much rice as you’d like, cover and keep warm Bring the drippings left in roasting pan to boil, remove from heat and stir in; previously made, beurre manie until desired consistency and season to taste Carve chicken and place on serving tray Remove sweet potatoes from oven and you’re ready to eat