Muon System Update: Next Steps Alessandro Cardini INFN Cagliari
Introduction I would like to start the preparation of a document to update our upgrade TDR, which includes all our new studies In my original intentions this document was supposed to be ready during this LHCb week It was delayed by studies on the usefulness on M2R1 at high luminosity and the possibility on replacing it with some shielding These studies showed that this extra shielding has a marginal effect on the rate reduction in M2 and M3 inner regions, and M2R1 always provide some useful information for muon identification The upgrade strategies are now very well defined, we can start writing CERN, December 7th, 20152
Introduction/ 2 This will be the “Muon System Upgrade TDR Addendum n. 1” Tentative schedule –Start writing in early 2016 –First draft to be discussed on March 7 th at the Muon Parallel Session during the first 2016 LHCb week –(then we’ll see how to proceed officially …) –To be ready for the June LHCb Week CERN, December 7th, 20153
Document Structure Introduction (Ale) –Reminder of physics requirements –Brief description of what was already written in the PID TDR, and a brief summary of the new solutions proposed Rate and inefficiencies –Results from HL measurements (Davide, Bepo, Gianni) –Improved estimations (Giacomo, Bepo) Detector optimization –New shielding (Burkhard, Robert P.) –Data extrapolation, simplified & toy MCs (Matteo, Bepo, Violetta) –Specific studies: high precision MC (Alessia) –New detector readout: no IBs in outer regions, outlook on how to possibly improve M23 inner regions (Bepo, Ale) Performance – New algorithms of muonID (Marianna, Matteo, Patrizia, Flavio) CERN, December 7th, 20154
Document Structure / 2 Upgrade R/O and control electronics –R/O Architecture (Paolo, Sandro) The new nODE (Paolo) The new nSYNC ASIC (Sandro, Luigi, Angelo) Data format (Paolo, Sandro) TELL40 firmware (Emanuele, Alessia) Testing: hardware & tools –Control: (Valerio, Paolo F.) Architecture nSB nPDM Testing: hardware & tools CERN, December 7th, 20155
Document Structure / 3 Improved shielding (Burkhard, Robert K.) –Design –Installation (Optional) New chambers for inner regions (Nikolai, Gianni) –Technologies –Design –Performance Project organization (Ale) –Manpower and responsibilities –Cost –Planning CERN, December 7th, 20156
Next steps Please start thinking on general document structure and of your contribution Proposal: Kick-off meeting via Vidyo on Friday January 15 th at 10:00 (if not in conflict with other events) to discuss together all details CERN, December 7th, 20157