Wild Card By Sam Luttmann
Characters Tiki: Tiki is a running back who is smart and hard working Ronde: He is a defensive back and he is a fairly good student. Adam Cosa: He is a bad student and he is a ace kicker and he is on Ronde and Tikes' team Coach Wheeler: He is Tiki and Ronde`s coach and he is a rookie coach. Cody: He is the Quarter back and is very ful of himself.
Setting The football field Tiki and Ronde house
Problem Adam Cosa failed to tests and he is a great player and he is off the team till he passes the make up test and they might not make the play offs without Adam.
Solution Tiki and Ronde tutor Adam so Adam can play again and pass the two tests.
three realistic things Have twins play football Making the play A kid failing to grades Three fantasy things Most of the Characters are not real. Not a real team. They were not there real numbers.
Summary Tiki and Ronde both play for the hidden valley eagles. They loose coach Spangler and they get Coach Wheeler. And they loose there best kicker Adam Cosa and Tiki becomes the kicker and he doesn't do that well. Tiki and Ronde Tutor Adam Cosa. So Adam passes the two make up tests and he gets to play the last game before the Play offs and with him they beat a 9-2 team the rockets and they win !!!!!