SC-25 FS1 Organization of the SC meetings I Popular vote suggests that we see every second week. From now on we will meet regularly every second Thursday and in this room the rest of the year except for Thursday 26/09/2013 when we will see in room 112-R-028. I will remind everybody about this special occasion well in advance. If that is agreeable for all I will make reservation for all of /29/2013
SC-25 FS2 Organization of the SC meetings II Last time the discussion have been vivid (good!) but I think that we should restrict the length of the meeting to a maximum of 2h. We can always continue over coffee which will be still open after our meetings. The meetings should remain informal and any question should be allowed! However, I very much prefer that critical issues like problems with the code should be discussed with me before the meeting. I have started that with Elena this time around! 8/29/2013 2
SC-25 FS3 Organization of the SC meetings III Last time I have been speaking about stable fix-lines and fix-points in the 4D phase space. I agree that this has been highly abstract to the un-initiated. I suggest that in such cases we should take more time and explain things in a series of talks and since we have several experts in our working group we could share the effort. This would also concern SC issues and I hope that Michel will be willing to share his expertise with us! In fact, I hope that we can win also external experts like Giuliano to give educational talks in our meetings. 8/29/2013 3