Welcome to UC Santa Barbara & the PACT Implementation Conference Mix it up! Please have at least 3 institutions represented at your table
PACT as an Educative Assessment Tine Sloan UC Santa Barbara Tine Sloan UC Santa Barbara
PACT as an educative assessment Focus on Faculty Learning Faculty: combination of supervisors, instructors & researchers working in a Teacher Education Program
PACT as an Educative Process How do we do X How do we meet the Challenges Of Y How do I cash in on my PACT prowess & retire in Fiji
This could be you
PACT as an Educative Process Goals Explore what’s possible Learn from one another Leave with concrete ideas
Small cohesive program, cohort, 100 students 13 mos credential & M.Ed. In K-12 schools 9 mos Faculty (41) (all but 2 part time) 13 doctoral students 20 instructors/supervisors 8 research faculty Small cohesive program, cohort, 100 students 13 mos credential & M.Ed. In K-12 schools 9 mos Faculty (41) (all but 2 part time) 13 doctoral students 20 instructors/supervisors 8 research faculty Who are we?
Moving from compliance to inquiry
Put the student work on the table Inquiry and engagement “One of the most pivotal days in the history of the Program.”
Holistic, integrated assessment We cannot disengage from the process
Time for sense making Of the tasks, the policies, the rubrics Dissenting voices have a place Feedback loops are essential For growth For collaboration For identity For adopting an inquiry stance Of the tasks, the policies, the rubrics Dissenting voices have a place Feedback loops are essential For growth For collaboration For identity For adopting an inquiry stance
Clickers Open the envelope and pass out clickers Make sure all institutions at your table are represented with a clicker Take clicker out of it’s box and pull out the 2 plastic tabs on the back Open the envelope and pass out clickers Make sure all institutions at your table are represented with a clicker Take clicker out of it’s box and pull out the 2 plastic tabs on the back
Who scores in your program? A. Supervisors B. Mix of faculty = to less than half the total faculty C. Mix of faculty = to more than half the total faculty D. Almost all faculty A. Supervisors B. Mix of faculty = to less than half the total faculty C. Mix of faculty = to more than half the total faculty D. Almost all faculty Q1
In your program, do k-12 cooperating teachers score? A. Yes B. No A. Yes B. No Q2
Scoring as an educative process Video clip of scoring conversation
TABLE TALK & Panel Discussion What is (or can be) educative about the scoring process above and beyond learning to score? What is required (or desired) if this is to improve programs? What is (or can be) educative about the scoring process above and beyond learning to score? What is required (or desired) if this is to improve programs?
Examining PACT Data 3 levels of data: Overall pass or average score Rubric level scores Student documents 3 levels of data: Overall pass or average score Rubric level scores Student documents
Have you ever examined PACT data for a group of students in your program (either numeric scores or samples of student documents)? A. Yes B. No A. Yes B. No Q3
Have you ever done a collaborative analysis of any type of PACT data? A. No B. Yes - with a small group of colleagues C. Yes - within a structure that included most faculty in my program D.Yes - C above plus k-12 cooperating teachers A. No B. Yes - with a small group of colleagues C. Yes - within a structure that included most faculty in my program D.Yes - C above plus k-12 cooperating teachers Q4
How often do you sit down with other faculty to examine PACT student work (actual documents)? A. Never B. Once a year C. Twice a year D. More than twice a year A. Never B. Once a year C. Twice a year D. More than twice a year Q5
Examining PACT data as an educative process
TABLE TALK What is the value of working with each of these types of data? What are the limitations of each? Overall pass rates or average scores for candidates across your program Rubric level scores for all or subgroups of candidates Student documents for a small sample of candidates What is the value of working with each of these types of data? What are the limitations of each? Overall pass rates or average scores for candidates across your program Rubric level scores for all or subgroups of candidates Student documents for a small sample of candidates
PACT Implementation Conference
Quiet free write What’s possible? What are possible forums in your program for getting faculty together to discuss PACT data? Who can participate? What are the challenges? What’s possible? What are possible forums in your program for getting faculty together to discuss PACT data? Who can participate? What are the challenges?
*Pass your pad to your right *Read your neighbor’s work & write a response in the middle column What’s possible? What are possible forums in your program for getting faculty together to discuss PACT data? Who can participate? What are the challenges? What’s possible? What are possible forums in your program for getting faculty together to discuss PACT data? Who can participate? What are the challenges?
*Pass pad to your right *Read your neighbor’s work & write a response in the right column What’s possible? What are possible forums in your program for getting faculty together to discuss PACT data? Who can participate? What are the challenges? What’s possible? What are possible forums in your program for getting faculty together to discuss PACT data? Who can participate? What are the challenges?
Pass pad back to original owner
Panel Discussion: Implementers with experience in analyzing PACT data What forums have you participated in to examine PACT data? What types of data have you used? What did you learn? Advice for programs? What forums have you participated in to examine PACT data? What types of data have you used? What did you learn? Advice for programs?
Implementation as an educative process
To what extent did you learn something valuable from engaging in the following? Learning the requirements for each Teaching Event task 1 Learned little of significance 4 Changed Something major in my practice for the better 2-3 Learned new Concepts/skills & tweaked my practice as a result 5 = did not engage in this process Q6
To what extent did you learn something valuable from engaging in the following? Learning to use PACT rubrics 1 Learned little of significance 4 Changed Something major in my practice for the better 2-3 Learned new Concepts/skills & tweaked my practice as a result 5 = did not engage in this process Q7
To what extent did you learn something valuable from engaging in the following? Developing formative experiences to prepare candidates for PACT 1 Learned little of significance 4 Changed Something major in my practice for the better 2-3 Learned new Concepts/skills & tweaked my practice as a result 5 = did not engage in this process Q8
To what extent did you learn something valuable from engaging in the following? Scoring 1 Learned little of significance 4 Changed Something major in my practice for the better 2-3 Learned new Concepts/skills & tweaked my practice as a result 5 = did not engage in this process Q9
To what extent did you learn something valuable from engaging in the following? Examining PACT data 1 Learned little of significance 4 Changed Something major in my practice for the better 2-3 Learned new Concepts/skills & tweaked my practice as a result 5 = did not engage in this process Q10
Replace Clickers Return to box Return to envelope with correct #s See Jan if any are missing Return to box Return to envelope with correct #s See Jan if any are missing