1) What is a totalitarian regime? Regimes such as USSR or Nazi Germany that seek to control every aspect of their people’s lives.
2) Why did the Truman doctrine come about? Britain’s crippling economic crisis caused US to fear that vulnerable areas of Europe would succumb to Soviet pressure.
3) What 3 things did Truman say, albeit indirectly, of the USSR? (3) A will of the minority forced on the majority Relying upon terror and oppression Nurturing seeds of totalitarianism by misery and want.
4) How did Stalin react to the Truman Doctrine initially? Dismissed it as an exercise in propaganda
5) What was General Marshall’s offer? An aid package to Europe in return to US involvement in their economy
6) How do many historians view this offer, however? As a means to halt Soviet expansion by creating a prosperous Western Europe.
7) What was significant about the Paris Negotiations? (3) Soviets walked out after failure to gain aid without conditions attached. Marked the beginning of the formation of a Western Bloc. Eastern States were stopped from attending by Stalin
8) Why were the US disappointed? Countries had not come up with radical plans for economic integration, but rather a “shopping list” of national wants.
9) What was the Soviet response? Set up Cominform (Communist Information Bureau), which would co-ordinate the policies and tactics of the Communist parties in both satellite states and in Western Europe.