The Deserted Area Courtney Hummel, Matt Orehek and Rebecca Adler
Sahara Desert Located in Northern Africa
Landscape Sand dunes, sand seas, barren stone plateaus, gravel plains, dry valleys and salt flats
Climate and Seasons Dry, subtropical climate in North Africa Constant high-pressure cells over the tropic of Cancer Cold, mild, dry winters Summers are extremely and unpleasantly hot Average yearly rainfall 3 inches
Unique Features Desert takes up 1/3 of Earth’s landmass Sahara desert is 10% of the world Desert varnish-biochemical phenomenon of coloring on a rockface as a chemical reaction between microscopic bacteria and metal in the atmosphere such as iron and manganese
Plants Species known as xerophytes – Adapted to a limited supply of water African welwitchsia eragrostis thyme
Animals Sahara desert only has 500 species Some of the oldest species in the world Camel hyena Scorpion gazelle ostrich
Animal Adaptation Camels show an adaptation because they are able to go a long time without food or water while maintaining strength and endurance
Tourism Dchira-ruins of the Spanish fort; forbidden by the Moroccan government Antoine de St. Expuxert-museum named after a young writer who was the leader of the base at Tarfaya; wrote the Little Prince DchuraAtoine de St. Expuxert
Tourism Biggest tourism attraction is safari
Critical Issue Unpredictable rainfall is a major issue – Inhabitants rely on crops, which rely on water – The more trees and other plants that get cut down, the less rainfall there is – Rainfall can increase or decrease the size of the desert – Less rainfall creates airborne dust