By ollie shaw and james foreman Gandys flip flops
i like to wear bright coloured and comfy flip flops i also like having a original pattern on my flip flops. what would i like to wear
Who are they? Their names are Rob and Paul. The two brothers were pulled out of school at the ages of 11 and 13 to go on a trip to India. They tragically lost their parents in the 2004 day tsunami. Whilst in India they decided to continue their parents legacy.
What are they selling? They sell flip flops and wristbands to get enough money to be able to open up an orphan home. They sell these at Topman, Schuh, Sole Trader, ASOS, House of Fraser, Selfridges.
How do they help? Gandy’s flip flop brand helps others by selling goods to shops and then take the money and put it towards the funds needed to build an orphanage in India.