5 Point Check List The 5 Point Check List or the CRAAP Test is a good way to identify if a website is: worthy of using with students or with any type of Internet Searching
Currency Know the Timeliness of the Information When was the site last Updated? When was the site first created?
Relevance Know the importance of information matches your needs What is the depth and breadth of the information offered? Are there links to other useful and reliable sites? Is the site relevant to your needs? How is the site structured?
Organized Site Index
Authority Know the Source of Information Who is the Author (s) of the site? Is the contact information provided? Is there a Link provided to their homepage? What is the first part of the major domain of the web address (URL)
Author of Site
Contact Information
Authority continued…. .com = commercial .net = Network provider .edu = education .org = non-profit organization .gov = government .mil = military .biz = business .cu = Cuba (.it = Italy, etc.) ~ usually means an individual maintains the site (as opposed to an institution) Beware! As technology advances fake URL extensions will get more creative
Accuracy Know the reliability, truthfulness, and correctness of content How can you ensure the information is precise, authoritative, and current?
Purpose Find out the reason the information exists Is the website content trying to persuade you? Educate You? Market a product?