Mineral Uses Minerals are all around us and we use them everday. With a neighbor, brainstorm at least 3 minerals that you use everyday.
Ore – a mineral that contains a valuable substance that can be mined Gold Ore
Bauxite An ore of aluminum. It is lightweight and strong.
Aluminum uses:
Silver ore uranium ore
Iron Ores Hematite and magnetite are ores of iron
Iron is very strong and durable. It is used to make steel and many other things.
Galena is an ore of lead.
Gem – mineral valued for beauty and rarity; very hard
Corrundum uncut cut/polished
Diamond uncut cut/polished
Minerals are extracted in mines. 1)Underground mines target the specific mineral being harvested. -Very dangerous: poor air quality, very dark, can sometime cave in.
Underground Mines
Open Pit Mines – very damaging to the environment. -Strip mine – everything is stripped away. -Quarry = a rock mine.
Open Pit Mines – strip mine
Open Pit Mines
Open Pit Mines - Quarry
Open Pit Mines – Strip Mines
Because of the damage to the environment, most states require reclamation. Reclamation – mining companies are required by law to clean up their mess.