Age of Absolutism
Charles V Inherits Crown By 1500’s Spain becomes 1 st modern European Power. Charles I becomes emperor of Spain and all it’s territories and when his grandfather dies he inherits Holy Roman Empire and the Netherlands. Renames himself Charles V Later splits empire to Brother Ferdinand and son Phillip II.
Phillip II Reigned as absolute monarch: ruled with complete authority over government. Claimed divine right: believed his authority came from god. Fought wars to spread Spanish Catholicism. Inquisition against Protestants Dutch Netherlands eventually split form Spain
Spanish Armada Armada is a fleet of ships sent 130 ships, 20,000 soldiers and 2,400 pieces of artillery to defeat British Protestants.
LOST Lost War, power, and were eventually surpassed by other European powers.
Spain’s Golden Age Named because of brilliance in arts, science and mathematics. EL GRECO: famous Greek Painter in Spain Miguel de Cervantes: wrote Don Quixote Europe’s 1 st modern novel