Last skin powerpoint
Skin glands: Two kinds 1.Sebaceous (oil) 2.Sweat
Sebaceous (oil) Glands Are openings around the hair follicle that produce oil Keeps the hair from getting brittle and breaking
Dead skin cells left behind may become 'glued' together by the oil. This causes a blockage in the pore. Pimple
Sweat Glands Stimulated by nerves to release sweat to cool the body The sweat evaporates removing the heat You have approx 2-3 million sweat glands
Skin is a sense receptor Nerves recognize: –Pressure (touch) –Pain –Heat –cold
Body Temperature must be constant Skin has hot and cold receptors Body temp. is controlled by brain
Body too hot: Blood vessel in dermis expand Muscles relax Sweating increases
Body too cold: Blood vessel close up Muscles contract (shiver) Goose bumps (muscles around hair contracts to trap air which acts like insulation)
Bruise occurs when a force causes blood vessels to break. Blood leaks into areas under the skin, resulting in pain, swelling, and skin discoloration.