Town Hall #1: Agenda: Moral dilemma Dress Code Proposal
The Dilemma You are an inmate in a concentration camp. A sadistic guard is about to hang your son who tried to escape and is telling you to pull the chair out from under him (to kill him). The guard says that if you fail to do so, he will not kill your son, but kill two innocent, child inmates. You have no doubt that he means what he says. What do you do?
Survey: What do you do?
Questions to consider Who do you have the greater obligation to? Is it easier to live with yourself knowing you killed your child, or that you killed two children? How would you choose one life over another? Does one life have more value than another? If refusing to pull the chair risks your life as well, how does self-preservation play into your decision? What would Judaism say? *Please consider the combatting values of the dilemma.*
Later on… Now the guard says that if you don’t pull the chair he will kill you but let all three children survive. Does this change your decision?
Second Survey
BLUE JEANS PROPOSAL! Micah: Introduce proposal One (1) speech against proposal Open debate VOTE