Policy Guidance
I.Policy Statement II.Purpose III.Definitions IV.Standards V.Responsibilities VI.Authorization VII.Legal References VIII.History Policy Format
Sample Policy Statement The Board of Education of Howard County is committed to providing a well-rounded program of student activities for high school students as a complement to the education program. The Board further recognizes that to best serve the vision and mission of the school system, extracurricular activities must not, in any way, supplant academics as the primary focus of the school system.
Sample Purpose Statements The purpose of this policy is to define the conditions under and process by which boundary line adjustments will be developed and adopted. The purpose of this policy is to provide guidelines to ensure that information on grading, promotion, and retention is determined in a consistent manner and regularly reported to students and their parents.
Definitions Only define terms used within the policy If possible, standardize definitions with those used in other policies (see Carol or Katrina) Move language from definitions that better belongs in standards (or elsewhere) Avoid defining one term within the definition of another
Avoid Standards in Definitions Overnight Field Trip - A stay away from home, involving no more than three days in which school is in session. Every attempt shall be made to return the students no later than ten hours prior to the beginning of the next student day. Typically, overnight field trips are the exception and are usually limited to secondary students. Thirty days prior approval from the school-based administrator and the appropriate instructional director is required. Language in blue should be moved to standards.
Standard “the guidelines in terms of which something can be judged”
Sample Standards Subject area textbook selection committees will be established by each subject area office to determine those textbooks and textbook related materials which are recommended for addition to or deletion from the approved textbook list. Abuse and neglect records and reports will be maintained in a confidential manner and in accordance with State law. Controversial issues must be presented in an impartial and objective manner.
Standards to Consider Ethical behavior Adherence to legal requirements Professional development to ensure that staff is prepared to implement the policy Monitoring and reporting Communicating the policy to staff, students, and the community.
Responsibilities Statements State who is responsible for ensuring that standards are implemented/followed.
Sample Responsibilities Statements The school-based instructional staff and administrators will deliver the written curriculum in the classroom. The Superintendent will provide to the Board of Education each year a summary of annual curriculum and assessment development activities for the Board’s approval. In the event of an early dismissal, building principals will ensure that all students are released in accordance with their emergency cards.
Authorization “The Superintendent is authorized to develop procedures to implement this policy.” (Frequently this statement is in the original policy statement and can simply be moved.) (Frequently this statement is in the original policy statement and can simply be moved.)
References Legal Other Board Policies Relevant Data Sources Other
Additional Thoughts Address the objectives of your charter Whatever you place in policy will have Board approval Place into Implementation Procedures those items which change frequently and/or which should not require Board approval to change Place into policy those items which should only be changed with Board approval.
Summary Committee charge: Revision of existing policy and implementation procedures Format of Policy 2020 Committee presents new recommendations for policy and implementation procedures