Crisis and Absolutism in Europe Absolute monarchyAbsolute monarchy, a form of government where the monarch has the power to rule their land freely, with no laws or legally-organized direct opposition in force
7:1 Wars of Religion Objectives: Who are Huguenots? Official religions of the time in Europe What is the “Act of Supremacy?” What was the main cause of religious wars?
Trying to win converts & eliminating each others authority was the main cause of the religious wars. Economic, social, political forces also played important part. (1560) Calvinism & Catholicism b/c highly militant. P211 voices of past
Huguenots (HYOO-guh-nawts) -French protestants influenced by John Calvin Henry of Navarre -converted (Fr.) once realizing he’d never be accepted when crowned (1594) & fighting ended
To solve religious problems, the Edict of Nantes – which recognized Catholic as official religion of France but gave Huguenots right to practice, worship and hold office. King Philip II (Spain) - The most Catholic King & supporter of militant Catholicism.
By 1598 (end of Philip reign) Spain was most populous empire & controlled almost all of S. Am. – Bankrupt from spending on war – Forces out of date – Inefficient gov’t
Queen Elizabeth Repealed laws favoring Catholics (moderate to please most) ACT OF SUPREMACY – named Eliz. The only supreme governor of both Church & state
Armada – fleet of ships Spanish Armada defeated by English Sea Dogs opened way for English to settle N. Am. Coast.
7:1 Wars of Religion Objectives: Who are Huguenots? Official religions of the time in Europe What is the “Act of Supremacy?” What was the main cause of religious wars?
7:2 Social Crisis, War & Revolution Objectives: Explain the 30 years war Describe Commonwealth
Economic Crisis: more imported Gold/Silver Increased population demand for land & food drove price$ UP = inflation
Wacky witchcraft 1600’s were common village culture of times Religion spread due to this concern Heretics accused could be tortured. DID YOU READ?: What were characteristics of the majority of those accused?
30 YEARS WAR – last of religious wars (see pg 216 & 218) Peace of Westphalia – stated all German states could determine their own religion. Now the 300+ states that made up Holy Roman Empire were recognized as independent w/ power to conduct own foreign policy= end to HRE as one political unit
MEANWHILE: England (not involved in 30 yrs. war) had own civil war b/t King & Parliament over who should govern England. King James I – divine right of Kings= Kings got power from God.
Puritans – (protestants in Eng. w/ Calvinist idea) Charles I – imposed rituals on Church of Eng. Many saw as return to Catholic practices…. As King pushed = more chose America!
Cavaliers – supporters of King (Royalist) vs. Roundheads – supporters of Parliament Oliver Cromwell – military genius w/ new model army helped parliament win control
Commonwealth = republic destroying both King & Parliament = military dictatorship………..
7:3 Response to Crisis Absolutism = ruler hold absolute total power Louis XIV (Fr) – best example – Established household at Versailles – Finances crucial issue – Jean Baptiste Colbert – Mercantilism = exports
Glorious Revolution = William of Orange invited to Eng. Married Mary (James II daughter)
1689 Parliament offers throne to William & Mary who accept w/ a Bill of Rights Toleration Act 1689 – granted puritans right to worship = no more persecutions Destroyed the divine right theory of Kingship
Prussia & Austria Expand Ivan IV - 1 st ruler to have title of czar (Russian for Caesar) What got him the name of “Ivan the terrible?” Peter the Great – czar Wanted to westernize Russia
St. Petersburg – “window to the west”
7:4 European Culture Mannerism – style that emerged in Italy 1520’s Golden Age of literature = William Shakespere
Thomas Hobbes -political thoughts John Locke - political thoughts were against one absolute ruler but more on protecting rights, constitutional gov’t
Thomas Hobbes- Political thoughts that – Absolute power needed to preserve order – JOHN LOCKE – Political thoughts against Absolute power Protecting rights Constitutional gov’t
SUMMARY Describe the divine rights theory “ 30 yrs. War Peace of Westphalia Puritans & why to America? Who led Commonwealth in England? Describe the Glorious Revolution Czars Ivan IV & Peter Locke & Hobbes