CS 3043 Social Implications Of Computing 3/2/2016© 2004 Keith A. Pray 1 Class 1 Introduction by Mike Ciaraldi Keith A. Pray Instructor socialimps.keithpray.net
CS 3043 Social Implications Of Computing © 2007 Keith A. Pray 2 3/2/2016 Overview 1. Introduction 1. Course Staff 2. Text And Reading 3. Logistics 4. Purpose 2. Some Critical Thinking Aspects 3. Ethics And Class Discussions
CS 3043 Social Implications Of Computing © 2007 Keith A. Pray 3 3/2/2016 Course Staff Instructor Keith A. Pray FL 244 Yahoo - keithpray, AIM- keithpray, MSN- Guest Instructor - First Class Only Professor Mike Ciaraldi x5117 FL 129 TA Shane Almeida
CS 3043 Social Implications Of Computing © 2007 Keith A. Pray 4 3/2/2016 Text A Gift of Fire: Social, Legal, and Ethical Issues for Computing and the Internet, 2nd edition Sara Baase Publisher: Prentice Hall
CS 3043 Social Implications Of Computing © 2007 Keith A. Pray 5 3/2/2016 Logistics The rest of the boring stuff will be covered next Monday. Material in this presentation borrowed directly from Professor Ciaraldi.
CS 3043 Social Implications Of Computing © 2007 Keith A. Pray 6 3/2/2016 Purpose Learn about how computers affect society, and vice versa. Practice critical thinking skills. Practice written and oral presentations.
CS 3043 Social Implications Of Computing © 2007 Keith A. Pray 7 3/2/2016 Overview 1. Introduction 1. Course Staff 2. Text And Reading 3. Logistics 4. Purpose 2. Some Critical Thinking Aspects 3. Ethics And Class Discussions
CS 3043 Social Implications Of Computing © 2007 Keith A. Pray 8 3/2/2016 What are the facts? What are people’s Viewpoints Biases Goals / Agendas How do things relate? Logical arguments “Because I Say So!” Some Critical Thinking Aspects
CS 3043 Social Implications Of Computing © 2007 Keith A. Pray 9 3/2/2016 Imaginary Societies Utopias Dystopias
CS 3043 Social Implications Of Computing © 2007 Keith A. Pray 10 3/2/2016 Utopias and Dystopias Types: Economic Political Technological Sexual What makes it a utopia or dystopia? Why do we create them?
CS 3043 Social Implications Of Computing © 2007 Keith A. Pray 11 3/2/2016 Overview 1. Introduction 1. Course Staff 2. Text And Reading 3. Logistics 4. Purpose 2. Some Critical Thinking Aspects 3. Ethics And Class Discussions
CS 3043 Social Implications Of Computing © 2007 Keith A. Pray 12 3/2/2016 Class Discussion Where do different people get their ethical principles? What are some of these principles? Various levels. Things that are right and wrong. Ways to decide if something is right or wrong.
CS 3043 Social Implications Of Computing © 2007 Keith A. Pray 13 3/2/2016 Deontological Theories Kant Principle of universality A.k.a. categorical imperative. Base ethics on rationality, not emotion. Treat people as ends, not means.
CS 3043 Social Implications Of Computing © 2007 Keith A. Pray 14 3/2/2016 Consequentialist Theories Ethics based on consequences of actions or inactions. John Stuart Mills’ utilitarianism. “The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.” --Mr. Spock, Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan.
CS 3043 Social Implications Of Computing 3/2/2016© 2004 Keith A. Pray 15 Class 1 The End Keith A. Pray Instructor socialimps.keithpray.net