An Introduction to Content Analysis Communication Research Week 9 Myra Gurney
Definition Aims “to identify specific characteristics of communications systematically and objectively in order to convert the raw material into scientific data” (Mostyn, ’85)
What is content analysis? Text-based quantitative analysis Systematic and consistent analysis of textual expression Transforming text into numbers Understanding textual patterns quantitatively Generating a conceptual understanding of textual elements Tracing ideas
What is content analysis? Underlying concepts Text as data Words as indicators of ideas Patterns in text form basis for inferences Basic assumptions Coders are representative of an audience Textual meaning is consistent across documents Patterns in words represent patterns in concepts
Human versus computer coding Human coding Useful for complex coding concepts Personal judgment a part of coding process Takes time and money Computer coding Automated text search Useful for large datasets Context irrelevant Personal judgment not part of coding process Requires more extensive code testing Cheaper and faster
Data Textual examples Newspaper articles Headlines Paragraphs Length, words dedicated to a subject, tone, bias, etc. Political candidate speeches eg PM Howard Mentions of ideas, tone, introductions, closings, etc.
Image examples Television ads Published images of politicians
Sampling Sample of dataset E.g., all articles on Lewinski scandal Sample of possible data E.g., articles in a major newspaper: New York Times articles between 1990 and 2000 becomes dataset
Analytical Concepts Codes Codes should capture ideas you want to analyze Developing codes that correspond to theory E.g., references to religion in presidential candidate speeches: “God”, “religion”, “Prayer”, “faith”, religious ideas
Analytical Concepts Unit of analysis Document E.g., Newspaper article, speech, advertising spot Paragraph Consistent identification of paragraphs Questionable in speech transcripts Useful for newspapers or other published document Conceptual units Units that correspond to theory E.g., Introduction, argument, explanation
Developing Codes Theory-based Codes must correspond to theoretical purpose of project Identify patterns Discursive patterns E.g., use of the word “God”, appearance of references to religion Grammatical patterns E.g., passive voice, imperative statements Conceptual patterns E.g., Strategic versus issue focused language Exhaustive categories
Analytical Concepts Coding sheets Develop the instrument Simplicity is the key!
Analytical Concepts: Inferences Inferences permit conclusions Validity Most often validity only extends to dataset Random samples of sample permit conclusions about whole dataset Difficult to infer patterns among other datasets E.g., coding ads from Procter & Gamble does not permit inferences about all ads Assumptions about inferences Assuming that your codes are related to your question!
Analytical Concepts: Error analysis Coding problems Coders might be unique Codes might not correlate with theory/ inferences