Climate benefits from forests and forestry Hans Winsa
Forestry: linking forests with society needs
Carbon dioxide Oxygen BIO-waste BIO-mass Children
Dr. Frank Werner Umwelt & Entwicklung Results Comparison of the total of annual effects Best results: Scenario Increased increment Effects abroad are higher than in-country ( 2 / 3 to 3 / 4 of the whole effect) Storm Gudrun is clearly noticeable Effects in-country: 14 to 38 Mill t CO 2 eq. Effects global: 60 to 103 Mill t CO 2 eq. Presentation SLU/Sveaskog, 23 rd June 2008 Total CO 2 emission Sweden: 60 Mill t
Sustainable forestry is a question about sustainable society GHG-balance depends on emissions and uptake and how efficient the society cycles and recycles resources Analysis and rules has to be holistic and honest Keys to the future REDD EEA EEB Directives NGO:s Research
Growth and Storage BIO-CCS