Confucianism: based on the teachings of Confucius ( BCE). Confucius developed a philosophy for life and government.
He focused on proper conduct (behavior), respect for elders, education, and government service. Confucius taught that all life revolved around five relationships. Ruler to ruled, father to son, husband to wife, elder brother to younger brother, friend to friend In all relationships, people should be loyal, courteous, honest, faithful, and obedient to authority.
Confucius said everyone should follow Ren & Li. (Concern for others & Appropriate behavior.)
Confucius Temple
He said that a child should show absolute respect for the parent’s authority. People should know their place in society and obey their rulers. Confucius said that if a ruler is good, the people will follow his example.
Influenced government: Government built on the skill of the people. This led to giving tests to get the most qualified workers in government jobs. NeoConfucianism- During the Song Dynasty, Confucianism changed to become more spiritual. It combined the regular teachings of Confucius with Buddhist & Daoist beliefs.
Daoism: Based on the teachings of Laozi (or Lao Tzu) ( BC). Laozi said the goal of life was to achieve oneness with the Dao (the WAY). The Dao is a nature force that can only be experienced and felt.
Daoism teaches that humans are a part of nature and that the best way to find peace is to live simply, in harmony with nature. Daoists are against strong government. They think that happiness can only be achieved by thinking about nature and leading a balanced life in tune with nature, not by following all of society’s laws and rules.
Harmony comes from balancing the opposing nature forces, Yin and Yang. Nature “When people see some things as beautiful, other things become ugly. When people see some things as good, other things become bad.” -- Lao Tzu
Buddhism: Based on the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama, known as the “Buddha,” from India. Buddha taught about the Four Noble Truths.
(1) All life is suffering and pain. (2) suffering and pain are caused by desire for wealth, pleasure, fame, and power (3) to end suffering one must overcome desire (4) to overcome desire, one must follow the Middle Way. (8 fold path)
The Middle Way tells people to live a moral life and have compassion for all living things. Buddhism preaches reincarnation- the idea that when a person dies, the soul is reborn in a new body. The goal of life is to attain Nirvana, when they desire nothing and are no longer reborn.
Buddhism spread from India to China along the silk road. From China, it spread to Korea & Japan.
The Age of Buddhism- Put in the correct order. p _____ Buddhism spread to China during the Han Dynasty. (Few Buddhists in China) _____During Sui & Tang Dynasties, Chinese missionaries introduced Buddhism to Japan & Korea. _____Buddhism began in India in 500 BC _____During Period of Disunion, people turn to Buddhism because it taught they could escape suffering and achieve a state of peace. _____Tang Emperor launches a campaign against Buddhism. Burns books, destroys temples. _____ People blend Buddhism with Confucianism & Daoism to form a new way of thinking