Feature Articles Year 11 English
A definition While there is no specific definition to be found in a dictionary or listing of journalistic terms, a feature article can be defined, funnily enough, by its features: Feature articles can be written at any time or at a specific time of the year because they are not dependent on Actual events. In other words they are not front page news stories. Authors who write feature articles write about topics they are familiar with or topics that grab their interest. They are written with factual information that can be researched. Feature articles can be written about any topic.
Structure Just like an essay you will need to use: An intro. Entice your reader, hook them in by using drama, emotion, quotations, questions or descriptions. A body. Answer all questions raised and keep all promises made in the intro. Maintain the atmosphere created. A conclusion. Use a strong punchy ending to help reader remember the article.
Points to note Be clear about why you are writing the article… persuade, inform, evaluate, emote or observe. Write the article in the active voice. Avoid cliches. Decide on the tense at the beginning of the story and stick to it.