INFOTRAC Thomason-Gale’s InfoTrac is a database customized by the local librarian. The one accessed through the Riverside County Library System contains.


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Presentation transcript:

INFOTRAC Thomason-Gale’s InfoTrac is a database customized by the local librarian. The one accessed through the Riverside County Library System contains over 140 local, national and international newspapers.

How to access InfoTrac-  Log onto the Riverside Public Library website at  Using the navigation bar on the left select Reference Books, Newspapers, & Magazines Online.  On the next page find the heading Newspapers Online and select 140 newspapers…  Enter library card number when prompted.

Main Page: The main page has many features. The navigation bar on the left allows you to choose from the different types of searches you may perform. The different categories are Relevance, Keyword, and Advanced. RelevanceKeywordAdvanced  Very broad, good for specific terms  Use Boolean Logic to refine  Returns most results  Keyword only need to be mentioned once to be included  Searches based on frequency  Looks for words and word variants  Allows truncation  2+ Words  Use symbols instead of Boolean Logic terms  Search specific indexes  Either alone or in group up to 10  Search by Record Number (RN) to retrieve previous search results

Keyword Search:  Enter keyword or phrase in box.  Use Boolean search terms AND, OR, or NOT to refine search.  Use radio buttons to limit results by location. Choose either in title, citation or abstract or in entire article content.  Limit results by choosing journals to search. You may access the list of available newspapers by pushing the browse button. Choose up to 10 sources. HINT: The list only shows through the letter M, to access N-Z go to the left navigation bar and select the letter N. If you know the names of the sources you would like to search use the left navigation bar to choose the first letter of the papers’ name, browse the list and select newspaper. Click on the name(s) of the sources, and then click Submit Selections on the left navigation bar.  Limit search by date, by using radio buttons: all, before, on, after between. If you choose between use a range of dates from present back to  Limit search by section of the newspaper. Chose Arts and Entertainment, Business News, Lifestyles, News, Opinion and Editorial, Regional News, or Sports.  To complete, click on the search button.

Advanced Search:  Enter up to three words in the boxes. Use the Boolean Commands provided in the drag down menu.  Limit search by date, by using radio buttons: all, before, on, after between. If you choose between use a range of dates from present back to  Limit search by section of the newspaper. Chose either Arts and Entertainment, Business News, Lifestyles, News, Opinion and Editorial, Regional News, or Sports.  To complete, click on the search button

Relevance Search:  Click the entry box and enter search term(s).  Use radio buttons to limit results by location. Choose either in title, citation or abstract or in entire article content.  Limit results by choosing journals to search. You may access the list of available newspapers by pushing the browse button. Choose up to 10 sources. HINT: The list only shows through the letter M, to access N-Z go to the left navigation bar and select the letter N. If you know the names of the sources you would like to search use the left navigation bar to choose the first letter of the papers’ name, browse the list and select newspaper. Click on the name(s) of the sources you would like to search. Click Submit Selections on the left navigation bar.  Limit search by date, by using radio buttons: all, before, on, after between. If you choose between use a range of dates from present back to  Limit search by section of the newspaper. Chose either Arts and Entertainment, Business News, Lifestyles, News, Opinion and Editorial, Regional News, or Sports.  To complete, click on the search button.

Results:  Results are shown in reverse chronological order, newest to oldest.  A short citation is shown for each article match.  Click on the citation to view the entire article.  Click the to box mark for later viewing. You can view the list by selecting the View List Mark in the left navigation menu. HINT: If you start a new search your view marks will disappear. To save your list for later access bookmark the URL of the Mark List Page.  Articles marked with the InfoTrac symbol may be bookmarked in your favorites for viewing at a later time.  A history of articles is displayed at the bottom of your search page in the box labeled history.

Retrieving Articles: There are numerous retrieval options.  Browser Print-prints text with graphics, abstract and extended citation. This is the same as the Print button in the left navigation bar.  Adobe Acrobat- PDF document formatted text  Delivery- text, abstract, citation  Library Holdings- microfische or microfilm images of articles printed  InfoTrac Articles- print on network laser printer graphics, text, abstract, citations images of article printed  Image Print- print on local printer text, graphics, abstract, citations, images of the article pages.

The help option is very thorough. It will be able to answer most of your questions. If you need more help consult the library staff.