A.C.H.I.E.V.E. Ms. Rodriguez. How will A.C.H.I.E.V.E ? benefit YOU? Activity Conversation Help Integrity Effort Value Efficiency.


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Presentation transcript:

A.C.H.I.E.V.E. Ms. Rodriguez

How will A.C.H.I.E.V.E ? benefit YOU? Activity Conversation Help Integrity Effort Value Efficiency

Substitute Procedures with ACHIEVE 1. Gently & Respectfully remind students of expectation. 2. Ask them if they are following the ACHIEVE and if not could they correct the behavior 3. IF behavior persists, remind them that their names will be left for the teacher 4. Consequences will be given for non-compliance 5. If student is consistently disruptive and non- compliant, call the office or see one of the other teachers – Mr. Akey across the hall or Ms. Heikkila who teaches in this room

Achieve Transition Entering the classroom A – Entering the Classroom C -Quiet conversation inside the classroom H – Ask Ms. Rod or another classmate I – Make choices as if Ms. Rod were at your side E – Make sure you have all of necessary materials V – You will be prepared for class, feel safe, and are on time to class E – You are seated and ready to begin bell work when tardy bell rings

Direct Instruction A – Teacher talking or involving whole class C -teacher solicited only H - asking questions only about instruction by raising your hand I - Check with neighbor quietly or raise hand for information to be repeated E – eyes on teacher or overhead, hands to self, writing on your paper when appropriate V – Instruction will help you learn material and complete homework E – Have materials ready to begin. Put notes or work in your folder, binder, or spiral.

Independent Work A – Working alone C - 6 inch voice to neighbor get help for a minute H – ask neighbor or write name on board, and continue working on assignment I – Do your own work, ask for help not to copy E – Reading, writing, brief questions. When finished may work on another assignment V – time to work in class reduces homework, earn points, reinforce learning E – Avoid distractions and off-topic conversations. Staying tuned in lets you finish faster.

Group work A – Cooperative groups or clock buddies C – Lots of talking about topic using 6 inch voice (lean, listen, and learn) H – One person raises hand or approaches teacher desk I - Each person contributes to task/discussion E – Stay in group and get right to work. May get supplies when needed. V – learn cooperation, 2 head better than 1 E - Get right to work, put names on papers

Assessment A – Taking a test or quiz C – talking is prohibited H – help is outlawed; may ask teacher only by raising hand I – Do your own work and look at only your paper E – Reading the questions and putting an answer on each V – Allows teacher to adjust instruction to your learning E – Scan questions first, check to see that all are answered. I have PRIDE in my work!

Changing Activities One minute to change activity Speak in soft voice and limit conversation to grouping and material Ask group members for help if needed finding materials or group moving desks, getting materials attention to teacher at signal.

Leaving Classroom Say “excuse me”, “thank you”, “please” Raise hand ask quick question, get pass, take homework Put away all materials, get feedback, teacher dismisses class Must be seated prior to dismissal Success when you leave on time